Food Truck Rodeos (03/18/21)

Rochester, New York – 2013
June, an evening sun setting under a cedar-shake pavilion
we sat on the bricks, legs stretched out
Rorbach’s Scotch Ale in opaque plastic cups
Mac Rollin’s mac-n-cheese, The MeatBall Truck, Le Petit Poutine
new and untried
there was a band I can’t remember
but it added just enough to carefree quiet of two friends sitting

Rochester, New York – 2019
June, an evening sun baking the crowds
fighting to find bricks in the moving sea of Birkenstocks
Mac Rollin, Meatballs and Poutine old hat
the band muffling voices, the conversations forced too loud
hubris misleading us to believe that this was too popular to enjoy anymore

Rochester, New York – 2020
It is assumed the sun still shone
flyers posted in February carried by the breeze, the bricks’ only traffic
pigeons singing the songs on the empty stage
a blues number dedicated to everything we took for granted

Rochester, New York – 2021
a flyer arrived today. along with it
elated giddy hope,
salivating reactions to the idea of
salt, gravy, and cheese
the kind of meliorism that comes from food trucks lining
a crowded, red brick path painted gold by a setting sun

7 thoughts on “Food Truck Rodeos (03/18/21)

  1. So much to love about this post. I loved the way you used this event to express the change in yourself and the world. The way you say so much with just a few words–I need to try this more. Also, I love food trucks!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Are you trying to make me cry!!?? This is beautiful. “We sat on the bricks, legs stretched out.” You capture the carefree essence, that it doesn’t take much to satisfy. I loved your progression of the sun as well. I’m not processing this appropriately and will come back later.


  3. What a lovely recollection of this tradition you share with your friend. It unfolded with such an intimacy and romance, all the way down to the final line, “crowded, red brick path painted gold by a setting sun.” Beautiful. I hope you get to relive this again this year!

    Liked by 1 person

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